Wonder why we are offering a 3 on 3 League for the next four weeks?
3 on 3 affords players a few advantages to 5 on 5, and what better way to begin our school seasons than to compete and learn in this setting. More time with the ball in your hands, better spacing on the floor to create and to challenge the defense, great conditioning (very little stoppage in our rules), more of a position-less game for player development, and player led teams which promotes leadership and problem solving. Players can benefit immensely from these live, small-sided games. I am very excited to see players explore this game (a game that was added to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo!) and grow as players. Developing your game has to include a combination of committed skill work, competition and learning how to compete hard, and creative free play. This league will compliment everything we offer through Peak and I recommend it to all. Still wonder why we would offer competitive league play? Commit to getting better! Join us! #getbetter It’s easy to dwell on the past. It’s even easier to worry about the future. Although learning from our past and planning for tomorrow are both important, be sure to stay present in the moment!
There are so many distractions in our daily experience and we must remember that the most important thing is the one right in front of us. Listen fully in that conversation you are having. Focus on the task at hand and get everything you are supposed to get out of it. We are never going to be perfect at this, but we must be mindful to practice it. Be where your feet are. Be present. Make the most of each moment you are given. You’re there for a reason… #getbetter Push yourself with this ball handling workout…
Complete each drill for 30 seconds: 1: Wipers Left Hand 2: Wipers Right Hand 3: Ball Control Side Left Hand 4: Ball Control Side Right Hand 5: Ball Control Front Left Hand 6: Ball Control Front Right Hand 7: Pound Crossover 8: Pound Hardaway Combo(between/front) 9: Pound Hardaway Combo (switch hands) 10: Hardaway Combo (no pound) 11: Hardaway Combo (no pound) (switch hands) 12: Behind the Back V’s 13: Triple combo (front, between, behind) (^one minute burnout^) (**If you don’t have a way to keep time, try 50 reps of each.) If you want some encouragement, post a clip of your workout on twitter or instagram with #peakhandles. Let’s go get better!! #getbetter |
"Get Better" is our PEAK blog, providing you with content to help enhance your game, your mind, and your relentless pursuit of the process! Enjoy.
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